Merry Christmas!

You can hear my story, Memories Made, performed by Graham Rowat, Linsay Rousseau, and the podfather himself, David Cummings, on today's Christmas episode of The NoSleep Podcast! Merry Christmas to those that celebrate and a happy, restful Sunday to those that don't!

The Boogeyman of Yarrowmarch

All urban legends start as something real. I don't know if that's actually, scientifically true, but it's what I believe (and these days, isn't that enough to make it true?). Sometimes it's fear-based and the legends become a warning of sorts, like all the child-drowning ladies in white who are used to keep kids away... Continue Reading →

Inheriting Her Goats

She died alone, unless you count the goats. I'm not sure I do, but she probably would have. She preferred them to people. I couldn't blame her. A lifetime of letdown will do that to you. I liked to think I was the best of the worst; the one person she could count on, even... Continue Reading →

I Know Why They Call It Big Head Lake

I hated camping. My boyfriend loved it. So we compromised and went camping. I put on a brave face, packed my bug spray, and let him do everything else. He assured me it would be great. Fun. Nothing like the disastrous trips of my childhood where my sister wet her sleeping bag and cried until... Continue Reading →

Coming Soon: The Dead Inside

Thrilled to announce my short story, From Within, is the opener for Dark Dispatch's upcoming horror anthology, The Dead Inside! The first review has come in and, well, see for yourself what the initial impression is: Huge thanks to editors Laurel Hightower and Sandra Ruttan for including it. More details to come when they're available!

Were Tales: A Shapeshifter Anthology is out now

You can find my story, More Afraid of You, included in this excellent anthology, available on Amazon! Werewolves. Berserkers. Kitsune. From the most ancient times, tales have been told of people who transform into beasts. Sometimes they’re friendly and helpful. Sometimes they’re tricksters, playing jokes on their hapless victims. And sometimes, they’re terrifying. Were Tales... Continue Reading →

The Captain’s House

The last straw was that plant. That little fucking plant. I don't remember what it was, only that it was supposed to be hard to kill, even for me. She'd said it in a joking way when she gave it to me, and I knew, logically, she didn't mean anything by it. Not really. But... Continue Reading →

What Speaks In Silence

The rumbling settles into silence. If shock hadn’t numbed me, I might’ve screamed. Might’ve called for help. But I lay flat on my back, knocked down by the falling stones, and all I can focus on is trying to figure out if I’m still alive.  Breathing? Check. Heartbeat? Check. Pain? Double check. I start to... Continue Reading →

Good Sleeps

Growing up in a small town meant a lot of regulars. Places, routines, people. The gas station convenience store was a small microcosm of that greater regular. 6 am, Bill Donner stopped in on his way to the slaughterhouse for cigarettes and a package of powdered donuts. 7:15, the bus stop kids huddled around the... Continue Reading →

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